Book Review: Sierra Leone, Bradt

I must own at least a dozen guide books to various countries, continents or regions but – daft as it might sound – I’d never read one before we moved to Sierra Leone.

I’d obviously flicked through them, looked at the photos, pored over sections and sought their advice. But I’d never properly read one.

Those sections on history and culture – even the bits on general detail about a city or region I was visiting – would leave me cold. Beyond plotting out a rough idea of a trip, I found them difficult to digest until I was actually in a place, and even then I tended to use them more for quick references to accommodation, restaurants, districts or specific sights.book_cover

That changed when we moved to Freetown. I suppose spending any great length of time in a place is going to change the way you read about it. But little did I know how much value I’d get out of our Bradt guide to Sierra Leone. Continue reading